Fibre Optical Networks


High-Speed Internet

Our fibre networks provide multi gigabit-level bandwidth, enabling the delivery of business grade, small business and residential high-speed data, internet, video streaming, and other data-intensive applications.

Robust reliable & future proof

CoreFibre's network solutions provides a future-proof backbone, delivering faster speeds and more flexible speed profiles than other fibre operators, overcoming limitations of traditional copper-based networks with limited bandwidth capacity. We not only utilise GPON technology but also Point to Point Ethernet 10G or even 100G and NG-PON technology depending on the applications for the project but we always keep in mind and upgrade path for the future.

Experience Unmatched Connectivity

Planning, Engineering & Implementation

Overall, GPON networks are a reliable and efficient way to provide high-speed internet access and integrate other services like CCTV, Intercoms, Access Control, BMS, ICN, FOXTEL, Free To Air TV and End-Users. Our GPON technology has an upgrade path to higher bandwidth new PON technology so that end user can be future proof.

GPON design and installation involve careful planning, engineering, and implementation to meet users' connectivity needs in residential and mixed-use developments.

    Fibre Network design and installation key steps

    • Needs Assessment: The first step is assessing the development's requirements, including the number of units or users, needed services (internet, voice, video), and expected bandwidth demands.
    • Network Planning: Network planners and engineers design the network layout, strategically placing Core Switches and Routers, OLTs, splitters, ONTs, and fiber-optic cables for seamless connectivity. The design also considers the layout of fibre-optic cables and the fibre distribution network.
    • Fibre Infrastructure Installation: After finalising the design, fibre infrastructure installation begins. Fibre-optic cables are laid out, connecting the central office's OLT to individual ONTs in residential units or retail outlets and offices.
    • Splicing and Termination: Fibre splicing joins segments with minimal signal loss, and termination with connectors allows connections to OLTs and ONTs.
    • OLT and ONT Configuration: OLT and ONT are configured to communicate with each other and the wider network.
    • Testing and Quality Assurance: After installation, rigorous testing ensures ONTs receive correct signals and the network meets performance parameters, including signal loss and attenuation checks.
    • Deployment and Activation: After testing and quality assurance, the network is deployed and activated for residents or tenants to subscribe to internet and other services over the GPON network.
    • Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Ongoing maintenance and support ensure PON or switched network network performance with regular monitoring, issue resolution, and necessary upgrades provided by service providers and network operators.
    • Future Expansion: Our PON or Switched fibre networks are scalable, accommodating future expansion as users and bandwidth demands increase. Operators can add more Switches, ONTs and split ratios without major infrastructure changes.


    What is GPON?

    GPON stands for Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network. It is a fibre optic network technology that provides high-speed internet access and other services to end-users.

    How does GPON work?

    GPON works by using a centralised Optical Line Terminal (OLT) that connects to multiple Optical Network Units (ONUs) or Optical Network Terminals (ONTs) through a passive optical splitter. The OLT transmits data downstream to the ONTs, and the ONTs send data upstream to the OLT.

    What are the advantages of GPON? 

    Some advantages of GPON include high bandwidth capacity, long transmission distances, efficient use of bandwidth, scalability, security features, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional copper-based networks.

    What services can be provided over a GPON network? 

    GPON networks can deliver a wide range of services, including high-speed internet access, voice over IP (VoIP), video streaming, IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), video on demand, and other data-intensive applications.

    Can GPON networks support multiple service providers?

    Yes, GPON networks can support multiple service providers. Each service provider can have their own OLT and provide services to their respective customers.

    Is GPON compatible with existing copper-based networks?

    GPON networks require fibre optic infrastructure, so they are not directly compatible with existing copper-based networks. However, it is possible to integrate GPON with existing networks by using appropriate gateways or converters.

    What is the maximum distance that GPON can reach?

    GPON can transmit data over distances of up to 20 kilometres (12.4 miles) from the OLT without the need for any active equipment.

    Are GPON networks secure?

    GPON networks have built-in security features such as encryption and authentication to ensure data security and protect against unauthorized access.

    Can GPON networks handle high-demand scenarios?

    Yes, GPON networks are designed to handle high-demand scenarios by providing dedicated bandwidth to individual users and implementing Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms to prioritize certain types of traffic.

    Is GPON future-proof?

    GPON is a mature technology that has been widely deployed. However, it is worth noting that there are newer technologies such as XG-PON and NG-PON2 that offer even higher bandwidth capacity and may be considered for future network upgrades.